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4 Reasons Stopping You From Starting Your Side Hustle

You need more money. You enjoy the thought of working on something intriguing, enjoyable, or novel. Additionally, you desire greater time flexibility than in the past. A side business is ideal. You should probably get started right away.

But hold on! Why haven’t you started one (or scaled the one you have begun) if a side hustle is so wonderful for your sense of fulfillment and your wallet?

There are many explanations I’ve heard for why people aren’t pursuing their side businesses or going all-in on their aspirations to advance in their careers. Here is a handful that you may be familiar with:

Reason #1: You're afraid.

Usually, there are two basic concerns that prevent people from starting things: What will occur if you fail? What happens if you achieve success but can’t keep it up? Playing these concerns through to the finish has proven to be the most effective approach for me to overcome them. What truly will take place if you fail? You’ll forfeit the time you put in, the $50 you put down, and the belief that this will bring in any money at all. Does that actually dissuade you from giving it a shot? Ask for assistance if you are overwhelmed.  One day, you might be the one providing someone else with a side business.

Reason #2: People will see you doing it.

I’m not sure why, but it’s challenging to put ourselves out there and express what we’re feeling, thinking, and wanting for the world—or at the very least, the people in our immediate sphere of influence. The fear of being judged, ridiculed, or even rejected by others prevents many of us from pursuing our side businesses. But consider this: If people are criticizing you when you try something new, what are they saying about you when you are stuck? Whatever you do, people are going to speak and have opinions. Why not pursue your passions?

Reason #3: You're doing so much already.

You probably already feel as though you don’t have enough time, whether you’re a single parent, a full-time worker, or someone who works several part-time jobs. The main motivation for most side jobs is freedom—getting a little bit more money so you can take some time off and spend it with your family, or finally having control over your schedule so you can assist your child with their science project. Be honest with yourself about the time you have, but also think about the time you’ll gain if you take the risk.

Reason #4: You are clueless when it comes to technology, marketing, etc.

This is a tall tell sign if he asks whether you’re in a relationship or not. If so, he’s already in pursuit of you and wants to make sure that his time and effort are worth it or a waste. He may also ask about past relationships and what you’re looking for in your next to try to best fit that mold of what you want.

Everybody is learning.  I still often enroll in online continuing education classes. The talents you need are always evolving along with the rest of the world. Don’t interpret that as a criticism of your skills. Consider it a challenge. Choose a subject you want to learn more about, and look for a mentor—a friend, an instructor online, or even your kid to teach you. Learning as you go. But go!

If you’re considering beginning a side business, keep in mind that while some challenges are genuine, others are merely in our minds.

Spend some time figuring out what’s actually holding you back then move forward with confidence!

Ready to start a side hustle?

Take this Side Hustle Finder Quiz to See What It Should Be!

Before taking the side hustle quiz I wasn't even sure what I wanted it to be, I just knew I wanted to do something where I could make a little extra money! This quiz factored in my skills and personlaity and recommended I start flipping garage sale items on Ebay! I love it!

— Shelby Meyers

Before taking the side hustle quiz I wasn't even sure what I wanted it to be, I just knew I wanted to do something where I could make a little extra money! This quiz factored in my skills and personlaity and recommended I start flipping garage sale items on Ebay! I love it!

— Shelby Meyers